
Welcome to Swedish Luxury


Welcome to Swedish Luxury

Brands and advertisers have been very skilled in making us associate luxury with things like big cars and long-haul flights. But what happens if we start to think differently?

The vast old-growth forests are rapidly being clear cut.
Despite organizations like the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, individuals, and researchers sounding the alarm, many large forest owners and the government continue to turn a deaf ear.
Against this backdrop, Icebug presents a guide to Sweden's, perhaps the world's, most exclusive destinations: forests that you must experience before they are cut down.



Hanveden, Södertörn

The forest area Hanveden, which is an area of national interest for outdoor activities, stretches across Södertörn through the municipalities of Huddinge, Haninge, and Botkyrka. Nine out of Huddinge's thirteen nature reserves are located here, with over 100 red-listed species and large areas of old forest. Last year, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in Huddinge proposed that the entire area should be designated as a national park because nature reserves provide insufficient protection. Instead, it now appears that parts of the nature reserves are being revoked to make way for a twenty-kilometer-long highway from Vårby to Jordbro! 

We hope that more people raise their voices to preserve this lovely outdoor area, just outside Stockholm city. What do you think?
Visit Hanveden on foot today or risk seeing what’s left from a car window tomorrow. 

Photo: Arne Berneklint


Gallsjön, Vimmerby

What a gem! Gallsjön is located in the southeastern corner of Vimmerby municipality in Småland. Around the lake is an approximately 300-hectare area of very fine old forest with trees aged 150 to 200 years old. During nature value inventories in the area, close to 150 conservation species, including about 70 red-listed species, have been found. 85 hectares have been registered for logging, so now is the time if you want to experience the area in all its glory.

But who knows – maybe it’s not too late to save Gallsjön if we raise our voices? 


Oksajärvi, Pajala

"A mosaic of lakes, marshes, and old forests." Doesn't that sound fantastic? Now SCA (Swedish Cellulose Company) has listed 85 hectares spread across the area for logging. The forest currently serves as summer pasture for the Muonio Sami village and winter pasture for the Vittangi forest Sami village as it is rich in lichens. 

According to the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation's inventory, there are 300-year-old pines here and lots of different exciting fungi. 

Photo: Patrik Nygren


Juånäset, Ånge

In the middle of Sweden, not far from Ånge, lies Juånäset. Here, the forestry company SCA – which has recently been in the media for logging forests with high natural values – has put up 40 hectares for logging. During an inventory for the organization Protect the Forest, forest biologist Sebastian Kirppu discovered high natural values and also large quantities of conservation species, most of which are also red-listed species, prompting sharp criticism against the forestry company.

We'll see if it has an effect, but the recommendation is: take the opportunity to see it before it’s too late! 

Photo: Sebastian Kirppu


Sandtallskog, Gällivare

Among forest biologists, biologically rich sand pine forests are pretty special, and just such a forest was found near Janstorp. Here, there is a rich biodiversity of mycorrhizal fungi, trees of different ages, and lichens that are important for reindeer grazing. But what makes it really exclusive and worth a visit is that the state-owned Sveaskog has put it up for logging! See it as a forest today – or as cardboard, bookshelf or other product tomorrow. 

Photo: Sebastian Kirppu


Ryssbergen, Nacka

Not all old forests are far from the city. Ryssbergen in Nacka is a well-known recreational area for many and is only a short trip from central Stockholm. Here, there are plenty of natural values and rare mushrooms, birds, and insects. However, a few years ago, Nacka municipality adopted a plan that means large parts of the area will be developed. The Nacka branch of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation opposed the plans with the motivation that they "entail irreversible losses of invaluable natural values."

There are still petitions being circulated, but our recommendation is: visit the area before it's too late! 


Garphytteklint, Örebro

This forest has previously been notified for logging – despite its high natural values - but after an appeal, logging has been temporarily stopped. At least until September 26, 2025. That's how long the municipality has to investigate the possibility of creating a nature reserve.

Here, you can sign a petition to the politicians in Örebro. 

We at Icebug are keeping our fingers crossed for the forest to remain! 


Aggetorp, Lerum

The Lerum branch of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation is fighting for the somewhat unique forest in Aggetorp to be preserved. The forest is not only home to many species of birds and bats – it is also a popular recreational area for outdoor enthusiasts. The forest is owned by the municipality – which intends to log it.

We think that's a shame and urge everyone who wants it to remain to raise their voices. 

Photo: Tommy Aronsson


Söderåsen, Hofors

Söderåsen is described as filled with natural values. Despite this, the landowner has notified it for logging several times. At the moment, this is halted thanks to the discovery of the protected orchid Cypripedioideae. However, this is no guarantee of the forest's survival since the County Administrative Board of Gävleborg may still grant a dispensation from species protection. In a segment of P1 Naturmorgon, Barbro Risberg, a botanist and former chairperson of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in Hofors-Torsåker, said that cutting it down would be like destroying a painting by Carl Larsson (one of Sweden’s most loved painters). 

Photo: Maj-Lis Koivisto

See the reality.

Do you want to know more about where the old-growth forest and other valuable forest areas can be found? And perhaps see if the forest where you grew up is about to be cut down? Take a look at Skydda Skogens monitor! This map shows a lot — and it’s actually kind of scary to see.

Icebug in collab with Naturarvet

For several years, Icebug has supported Naturarvet – a foundation that buys old-growth forests and preserves them for all time. We do this because we love real forests, and because they are vital to fight climate change. So far we have donated approximately 230 000 Euro which has helped preserve 31 hectares and store 154 tonnes of CO2e. The forests names are  Kantekarna Skarnhålan,  Svartsundet, Ullersjöbäcken, Kalvgrundet  and Ekås.

We couldn’t have done this without our community. Over the years, our take on Black Friday has been to sell items at full price and donate the entire sum to Naturarvet. The fact that our users have chosen to shop from us, despite no discount, is a great proof that we’re not the only ones in favor of real, natural forests!

Increase your luxury consumption!  

"We all need to consume less", is a common truth.
And yes, to some extent, that's true. Luxury consumption, as we know it, with everything from private jets to heli-skiing via fast fashion and everyday overconsumption, contributes to climate change.

We definitely need to cut back on some things, but again: what if we redefine what luxury consumption is? Then maybe, in fact, we can consume more! Living sustainably isn't about living poorly, quite the opposite.

Luxury consumption for us: 

At Icebug, we define luxury consumption as rich experiences you can enjoy without leaving a significant carbon footprint. It's about close adventures in nature, having time for each other in everyday life, and living in a way that doesn't result in personal climate anxiety. 

There are no green shoes. All production comes with a cost to the climate – but we do our best to influence in a positive direction and we do it with full transparency. 

We are members of FairWear Foundation to guarantee fair working conditions. We donate 1% of our sales to environmental organizations and projects. We are radically transparent via Follow the Footprints and we never use inbound airfreight. 

But most importantly: we make products that we believe will help you enjoy a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.