Tove Alexandersson on Winter Running
Tove Alexandersson on Winter Running
Winter Running with Tove Alexandersson
Tove Alexandersson, winner of Sweden’s most prestigious sports award, the Jerring Prize, is the world’s best orienteer, with 21 gold medals in the Orienteering World Championship. She has been the reigning world champion in three sports simultaneously: orienteering, ski orienteering, and skyrunning. Tove has also been an Icebug ambassador for many years.
Here, Tove shares her top tips for winter running, finding the right winter running shoes, and how to get in the right mindset to take that first step outside!
Choose the right shoes
When it’s icy, snowy, and slippery in the winter, I almost always choose shoes with metal studs to run just as relaxed as in the summer without worrying about slipping. I also prefer slightly more cushioned shoes in winter than in summer since running with metal studs is a bit harder, and the ground can be a little firmer.
Run with others
In the winter, when it’s cold and dark, it can be helpful to have some extra motivation and joy in the form of running buddies to keep you company.
Head out into the forest and nature
Even in the winter, running on trails in the forest is great if you choose shoes with a slightly patterned sole and preferably metal studs. It’s much nicer to run in nature, and if it’s dark, running with a headlamp is a wonderful experience.
Don’t stress over time
Run relaxed without comparing your pace or your time from the last time you ran the route. The terrain and weather affect things so much, so don’t get hung up on whether your times are slower. The main thing is that you get out and complete the workout you planned!
Do interval training
Even outdoors in winter, you can easily do interval training, even though you can’t compare times the same way you do in the summer. But it’s a fun variation in your training!
Choosing the right shoes is key to having a great experience
When I run in the forest or on narrow trails, my choice is the Pytho6 BUGrip®. I also choose these shoes for interval training, even on harder, more even surfaces, because they’re light and feel fast. For long-distance runs on roads and well-maintained trails, I opt for the Arcus 2 BUGrip® GTX. These shoes are well-cushioned, which is necessary in the winter when the ground becomes a bit harder, with great grip that keeps your feet warm and dry!
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