Reports & Initiatives

Fair Wear Foundation Reports

Reports & Initiatives

Fair Wear Foundation Reports

Fair Wear Foundation

Icebug est membre de la Fair Wear Foundation, une organisation internationale à but non lucratif qui se concentre sur les conditions de travail dans l’industrie de l’habillement et de la chaussure. Grâce à des audits tiers, la Fair Wear Foundation examine les usines où Icebug fabrique ses produits. Les rapports de Fair Wear incluent, entre autres, des évaluations salariales.

Rapport de vérification des performances de la marque 2023-2024

Rapport social 2023-2024

Politique de conduite responsable des affaires d’Icebug 2024

We use our business to do good

At Icebug, we’re committed to making better shoes that help you get out every day – no matter the conditions. Also, we have decided to change our industry by taking responsibility for our footprint. Our goal is to make footwear with great durability, low CO2 emissions and respect for people and planet. Part of the money that you invest in us, we give back to the planet by donating to organizations that, for instance, work to preserve old-growth forests.