Bottes d'hiver à crampons

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Icebug is a world leader in studded winter boots

Our studded boots are known for their fantastic grip, combined with high comfort and maximum durability. With studded winter boots from Icebug on your feet, you never have to be afraid of slipping.

Tried and tested studded winter boots from Icebug

There is one thing we are better at than anything else - shoes with grips. Icebug's studded boots have won countless awards over the years. They are used by people around the world who want to stay outdoors even when it is slippery. Our studded winter boots provide grip on snow and ice without compromising comfort.

What is Icebug BUGrip?

BUGrip is Icebug's own grip technology, which is most easily described as dynamic steel studs. Icebug's BUGrip studs drill into the ice and give you the best possible grip, while also springing into the sole when you run or walk on hard surfaces. This gives you a softer and more pleasant experience, regardless of what terrain you are on. The studs of our BUGrip soles are tipped in very durable carbide steel. This makes the studs basically impossible to wear out, even if you walk a lot on asphalt.

Is it uncomfortable to use studded winter boots?

The short answer is no - at least not if you use Icebug's studded shoes and boots. Because the studs spring into the sole when you walk on hard surfaces, you get the same comfortable experience as if you walk in un-studded shoes.

What is the difference between Icebug studs and loose spikes?

This is one of our core issues! All anti-slip protection is better than no anti-slip protection, but removable spikes can in no way be compared to a pair of quality studded shoes. A pair of studded shoes with steel studs not only gives you a much better grip; they are also much more comfortable to use and last longer. In addition, you do not have to worry about your spikes coming loose, and honestly - aren't a pair of stylish studded shoes much nicer? Our shoes are designed and developed in Jonsered, Sweden and made to keep you on your feet for many years to come. A pair of studded shoes from Icebug is one of the best investments you can make!

Metro2 BUGrip: The world's best-selling studded winter boot!

Icon. Top seller. Safety expert. Much can be said about the Metro2 BUGrip. Just take a look at the reviews and you'll see why why this shoe has been number one for all years.

Light as a feather, incredible comfort, great walk feeling and 16 carbide steel studs under the sole. On the side of the shoe there is a zipper that makes it easy to put it on and to take it off. This is a durable boot and you can easily walk many miles on asphalt without wearing out the studs. Read more about Metro2 BUGrip here.

Icebug’s studded shoes for running

At Icebug, we are experts in winter running. Hundreds of thousands of runners use our studded running shoes for running in the winter. We have a wide range of winter running shoes that are suitable for all types of runners and training regiments. If you are unsure of which shoe is best for you, we recommend that you use our forest guide or contact our customer service.

What do I do if I drop a stud on my Icebug shoes?

All Icebug studded shoes and boots are designed to maintain grip and function, even if you lose a stud or two. Should you lose more, you can easily replace them. In that case, contact our customer service, and we will be happy to send you new studs free of charge, so that you can continue to enjoy your stud shoes for many years to come.